/* Copyright: (C) 2022-2023 Daniele 'dzonerzy' Linguaglossa - http://libdzonerzy.so This file is part of libdzonerzy.so. GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007 Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. */ #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L #include "libdzonerzy.so.h" #include "res.h" // this is a shared object library #define MAIN_CSS \ CSS_COMMENT("main.css") \ CSS_NEWLINE() \ CSS_SELECTOR("html,body") \ CSS_PROPERTY("margin", "0") \ CSS_PROPERTY("padding", "0") \ CSS_PROPERTY("width", "100%") \ CSS_END_SELECTOR() \ CSS_SELECTOR("body") \ CSS_PROPERTY("font-family", "monospace") \ CSS_PROPERTY("font-size", "1.23em") \ CSS_PROPERTY("background-color", "#ddd") \ CSS_PROPERTY("display", "flex") \ CSS_PROPERTY("flex-direction", "column") \ CSS_END_SELECTOR() \ CSS_SELECTOR("#title-block-header, #TOC") \ CSS_PROPERTY("border", "1px solid #222") \ CSS_PROPERTY("border-radius", "15px") \ CSS_PROPERTY("background-color", "#ccc") \ CSS_PROPERTY("color", "#000") \ CSS_PROPERTY("margin", "1em") \ CSS_PROPERTY("padding", "1em") \ CSS_END_SELECTOR() \ CSS_SELECTOR("footer") \ CSS_PROPERTY("border", "1px solid #222") \ CSS_PROPERTY("border-radius", "15px") \ CSS_PROPERTY("background-color", "#ccc") \ CSS_PROPERTY("color", "#000") \ CSS_PROPERTY("margin", "1em") \ CSS_PROPERTY("padding", "1em") \ CSS_PROPERTY("flex-shrink", "0") \ CSS_PROPERTY("display", "flex") \ CSS_PROPERTY("flex-direction", "column") \ CSS_PROPERTY("justify-content", "center") \ CSS_PROPERTY("align-items", "center") \ CSS_PROPERTY("font-size", "0.9em") \ CSS_END_SELECTOR() \ CSS_SELECTOR("div.hearth") \ CSS_PROPERTY("display", "flex") \ CSS_PROPERTY("justify-content", "center") \ CSS_PROPERTY("align-items", "center") \ CSS_PROPERTY("margin-left", "0.2em") \ CSS_PROPERTY("margin-right", "0.2em") \ CSS_PROPERTY("font-size", "1.5em") \ CSS_PROPERTY("padding", "0px") \ CSS_PROPERTY("animation", "bounce 1s infinite") \ CSS_PROPERTY("color", "#d00000") \ CSS_END_SELECTOR() \ CSS_SELECTOR("b.author") \ CSS_PROPERTY("color", "#000") \ CSS_PROPERTY("text-transform", "uppercase") \ CSS_END_SELECTOR() \ CSS_SELECTOR("p.author::before") \ CSS_PROPERTY("text-transform", "lowercase") \ CSS_PROPERTY("font-weight", "normal") \ CSS_PROPERTY("content", "'by '") \ CSS_END_SELECTOR() \ CSS_SELECTOR("p.date::before") \ CSS_PROPERTY("text-transform", "lowercase") \ CSS_PROPERTY("font-weight", "normal") \ CSS_PROPERTY("content", "'written on '") \ CSS_END_SELECTOR() \ CSS_SELECTOR("p.date") \ CSS_PROPERTY("text-transform", "capitalize") \ CSS_PROPERTY("font-weight", "bold") \ CSS_END_SELECTOR() \ CSS_SELECTOR("p.author") \ CSS_PROPERTY("text-transform", "uppercase") \ CSS_PROPERTY("font-weight", "bold") \ CSS_END_SELECTOR() \ CSS_SELECTOR("h1.title") \ CSS_PROPERTY("text-align", "center") \ CSS_END_SELECTOR() \ CSS_SELECTOR("section") \ CSS_PROPERTY("margin", "1em") \ CSS_PROPERTY("flex", "1 0 auto") \ CSS_END_SELECTOR() \ CSS_SELECTOR("h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6") \ CSS_PROPERTY("font-family", "monospace") \ CSS_PROPERTY("clear", "both") \ CSS_END_SELECTOR() \ CSS_SELECTOR("img") \ CSS_PROPERTY("padding", "2px") \ CSS_PROPERTY("border", "2px dashed #333") \ CSS_PROPERTY("background-color", "#fff") \ CSS_PROPERTY("color", "#000") \ CSS_PROPERTY("height", "12em") \ CSS_PROPERTY("float", "right") \ CSS_PROPERTY("clear", "right") \ CSS_PROPERTY("margin-left", "1em") \ CSS_PROPERTY("margin-bottom", "1em") \ CSS_END_SELECTOR() \ CSS_SELECTOR("figcaption") \ CSS_PROPERTY("display", "none") \ CSS_END_SELECTOR() \ CSS_SELECTOR("@keyframes bounce") \ CSS_SELECTOR("from, to") \ CSS_PROPERTY("transform", "scale(1, 1)") \ CSS_END_SELECTOR() \ CSS_SELECTOR("25%") \ CSS_PROPERTY("transform", "scale(0.9, 1.1)") \ CSS_END_SELECTOR() \ CSS_SELECTOR("50%") \ CSS_PROPERTY("transform", "scale(1.1, 0.9)") \ CSS_END_SELECTOR() \ CSS_SELECTOR("75%") \ CSS_PROPERTY("transform", "scale(0.95, 1.05)") \ CSS_END_SELECTOR() \ CSS_END_SELECTOR() \ CSS_SELECTOR("footer > span") \ CSS_PROPERTY("display", "flex") \ CSS_PROPERTY("text-align", "center") \ CSS_PROPERTY("justify-content", "center") \ CSS_PROPERTY("align-items", "center") \ CSS_END_SELECTOR() \ CSS_SELECTOR("pre, code") \ CSS_PROPERTY("min-width", "60vw") \ CSS_PROPERTY("max-width", "80vw") \ CSS_PROPERTY("max-height", "500px") \ CSS_PROPERTY("overflow", "auto") \ CSS_PROPERTY("font-size", "1.1em") \ CSS_PROPERTY("font-family", "monospace") \ CSS_PROPERTY("border-radius", "0.5em") \ CSS_END_SELECTOR() \ CSS_SELECTOR("blockquote, pre") \ CSS_PROPERTY("padding", "1em") \ CSS_PROPERTY("border", "1px solid #111") \ CSS_PROPERTY("background-color", "#9a9091") \ CSS_PROPERTY("color", "#111") \ CSS_PROPERTY("clear", "both") \ CSS_PROPERTY("padding-top", "0.25em") \ CSS_PROPERTY("padding-bottom", "0.25em") \ CSS_END_SELECTOR() \ CSS_SELECTOR("div.sourceCode") \ CSS_PROPERTY("display", "flex") \ CSS_PROPERTY("flex-direction", "column") \ CSS_PROPERTY("justify-content", "center") \ CSS_PROPERTY("align-items", "center") \ CSS_END_SELECTOR() \ CSS_SELECTOR("pre::-webkit-scrollbar") \ CSS_PROPERTY("display", "none") \ CSS_END_SELECTOR() #define INDEX_MD \ MD_META("DZONERZY's Blog", "DZONERZY") \ MD_META_CUSTOM("Thursday 12 July 2023") \ MD_NEWLINE() \ MD_SECTION1("About") \ MD_IMAGE("Picture of DZONERZY", "assets/dzonerzy.jpg") \ MD_TEXT("Hello world here is dzonerzy, also known as Daniele Linguaglossa,") \ MD_TEXT("I'm an offensive security researcher and developer.") \ MD_NEWLINE() \ MD_TEXT("I'm the author of this blog, and I'm using it to share my") \ MD_TEXT("researches and my projects.") \ MD_NEWLINE() \ MD_TEXT("I'm also the author of the library that powers this blog, ") \ MD_TEXT("yes you heard right, this blog is powered by a ") \ MD_BOLD("shared object") \ MD_TEXT(" that I wrote in C!") \ MD_NEWLINE() \ MD_TEXT("You can find the source code of this blog on my ") \ MD_LINK("git repository", "https://git.libdzonerzy.so/dzonerzy/libdzonerzy.so") \ MD_TEXT(".") \ MD_NEWLINE() \ MD_SECTION1("Projects") \ MD_TEXT("Here is a list of my projects, that I've made in my spare time, some of them are ") \ MD_TEXT("still in development, but I'm working hard to finish them.") \ MD_NEWLINE() \ MD_LIST(MD_BOLD(MD_LINK("libdzonerzy.so", "https://git.libdzonerzy.so/dzonerzy/libdzonerzy.so"))) \ MD_TEXT(" -- libdzonerzy.so is a shared object that I wrote in C, it's a library ") \ MD_TEXT("that I use to power this blog.") \ MD_NEWLINE() \ MD_LIST(MD_BOLD(MD_LINK("CaptainHook", "https://git.libdzonerzy.so/dzonerzy/CaptainHook"))) \ MD_TEXT(" -- CaptainHook is the next-gen hooking framework, it's a library that ") \ MD_TEXT("allow to hook functions in a very easy way without knowing the function prototype.") \ MD_NEWLINE() \ MD_SECTION1("FAQ") \ MD_TEXT("Here is a list of frequently asked questions, if you have any other questions ") \ MD_TEXT("feel free to contact me at ") \ MD_BOLD("dzonerzy[at]gmail.com") \ MD_TEXT(".") \ MD_NEWLINE() \ MD_SECTION4(" ") \ MD_NEWLINE() \ MD_LIST(MD_BOLD("Q: ") MD_TEXT("Why this blog is so ugly?")) \ MD_NEWLINE() \ MD_TEXT("Because I'm not a web designer, I'm a developer, and I'm not good at ") \ MD_TEXT("designing things, but I'm working on it, I promise.") \ MD_NEWLINE() \ MD_LIST(MD_BOLD("Q: ") MD_TEXT("Why this blog is so fast?")) \ MD_NEWLINE() \ MD_TEXT("Actually this is a static website, so it's very fast.") \ MD_NEWLINE() \ MD_LIST(MD_BOLD("Q: ") MD_TEXT("What do you do for living?")) \ MD_NEWLINE() \ MD_TEXT("I'm the lead offensive security researcher at ") \ MD_LINK("Sysdig", "https://sysdig.com") \ MD_TEXT(", a cloud security company.") \ MD_NEWLINE() \ MD_LIST(MD_BOLD("Q: ") MD_TEXT("Is Sysdig hiring?")) \ MD_NEWLINE() \ MD_TEXT("Yes, we are always looking for new talents, if you are interested in working ") \ MD_TEXT("with me, feel free to send your resume at ... try to find it :D , ") \ MD_TEXT("hint (") \ MD_BOLD("libdzonerzy.so") \ MD_TEXT(").") \ MD_NEWLINE() #define FOOTER_MD \ MD_RAWTAG("footer", "" \ "" \ "Powered by libdzonerzy.so" \ "" \ "
" \ "made with
by dzonerzy
") \ MD_NEWLINE() #define SITEMAP_XML \ XML_URLSET() \ XML_URL("https://libdzonerzy.so/index.html") \ XML_URL("https://libdzonerzy.so/sitemap.xml") \ XML_END_URLSET() int main(int argc, char **argv) { fprintf(stdout, "https://libdzonerzy.so\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // resources SECTION("main.css") static const char maincss[] = MAIN_CSS; SECTION("pages/index.md") static const char indexmd[] = INDEX_MD; SECTION("footer.html") static const char footermd[] = FOOTER_MD; SECTION("sitemap.xml") static const char sitemapxml[] = SITEMAP_XML;